The majority of the documents here focus upon deletion maps of defective λ gal+ and gal– (genes referred to as λgd). This includes endogenotes, exogenotes, heterogenotes, and syngenotes, both HFT as well as LFT (High and Low Frequency Transduction). Related correspondence, primarily with G. Jacoby, K. Komagata, K. Kurahashi, and V. L. Yu, focuses upon maltophilia.
Julius Adler | Toshio Fukusawa | Polyxeni Kontomichalou | P. H. A. Sneath |
Fevronia Angelatou | Adaypalam T. Ganesan | A. M. Kropinski | Bruce A. D. Stocker |
Werner Arber | Yukinori Hirota | Arthur Kornberg | Richard Soffer |
Enrico Calef | Bruce Holloway | Joshua Lederberg | K. Suzuki |
Nina Calef | S. Ikemoto | M. Laurance Morse | Y. Tamagawa |
Alan Campbell | A. Dale Kaiser | H. Ogawa | Gordon Tompkins |
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza | T. Kaneko | A. Ohyama | R. C. von Borstel |
Roy Curtiss III | K. Komagata | Efstathia Papachristou | Eiko Yabuuchi |
Harrison Echols | Kiyoshi Kurahashi | Boris Rotman | Victor L. Yu |
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